Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Careers Education

Careers education plays a vital part in supporting young people to choose an appropriate post-16 pathway, which reflects their interests, talents, abilities and needs. A stable careers programme helps young people enables young people to understand the wider context of their learning and raises aspirations.

Oasis Academy Brightstowe provides students with a progressive careers programme, which enables students to plan and manage their careers effectively. We are committed to provide all students with a programme that meets the Gatsby Benchmarks and follows the statutory guidance set out in the “Careers strategy: making the most of everyone’s skills and talents”. The programme offers opportunities to explore a variety of career pathways through assemblies, tutor activities, employer visits, workshops, careers fairs and 1:1 impartial and independent careers guidance.

Oasis Academy Brightstowe uses Grofar as a tool to record each student’s careers activities, careers action plans and skills development. All students attending the academy are provided with an iPad. This will help us to monitor and track each student’s careers education journey as well as planning and organising “meaningful” encounters to raise their aspirations.

Oasis Academy Brightstowe is also committed to guiding students to follow appropriate pathways and gives all students various opportunities to research job sectors and regularly shares information with students and parents, which informs them about growth sectors, LMI and the fast-changing world of work.

Ms Melanie Powell  is our Academy Careers Leader.  If you wish to make contact with Ms Powell please email hello@oasisbrightstowe.org or telephone reception on 0117 316 7330.

Our careers programme

At Oasis Academy Brightstowe, as part of the Character and Opportunity curriculum, we provide a bespoke careers programme for each of our students that includes:

  • Opportunities to explore career and labour market information (years 7-10)
  • STEM projects, along with other links between curriculum learning and careers (years 7-10)
  • Regular encounters with employers and employees (years 7-10)
  • Experiences of workplaces/mock interviews/CV-writing/job and college applications (Year 10)
  • At least one personal guidance meeting with a qualified career advisor (years 10-11)
  • The opportunity to create a careers action plan (using an online platform called Grofar) from Year 7, and build a portfolio that can be used in a CV



Click HERE to find out about 12 inspirational apprentices - including Henry Ford, Stella McCartney and David Beckham. 



Training, apprenticeship and vocational education providers

As part of our commitment to informing our students of the full range of learning and training pathways on offer to them, we are happy to consider requests from training, apprenticeship and vocational education providers to speak to students. Click HERE for further details about how to request access.

How do we measure impact?

The impact of our careers programme is assessed using a bespoke self-evaluation tool (Compass Careers Benchmark tool) which is completed alongside our Careers Enterprise Advisor. The self-evaluation looks at our activities against the Gatsby Benchmarks and our annual destination data.

Gatsby benchmarks

Our CEIAG activities are aligned to the eight Gatsby benchmarks [Link: http://www.gatsby.org.uk/uploads/education/good-career-guidance-handbook-digital.pdf] of Good Career Guidance. These career benchmarks are the result of an international study to find the best practice in career guidance worldwide.

The impact of our careers program is assessed using a bespoke self-evaluation tool that looks at our activities against the Gatsby Benchmarks and our annual destinations data.

June 2024 Gatsby assessment


Progress towards meeting Benchmark January 2022

1 A stable careers programme




2 Learning from career and labour market information



3 Addressing the needs of each student



4 Linking curriculum learning to careers



5 Encounters with employers and employees



6 Experience of workplaces




7 Encounters with further and higher education



8 Personal guidance




Annual Activity Survey 2023

Post 16 Activity Group

Number of Students

Current Situation Not Known






Jobs without training











Pupils feel well-prepared for their next steps through work experience and presentations from companies." Ofsted 2018