Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Science department vision

Inclusivity and progress for all through the provision of a fun and relevant enriched curriculum; where the development of scientific skills and the acquisition of core knowledge is underpinned by practical enquiry and experiential learning.

Curriculum overview

In Years 7 and 8, students follow a broad and exciting curriculum through the ‘Activate’ package.  This scheme of work aims to get students interested in Science through a range of topics, which are relevant and engaging; as well as embedding maths, literacy and working scientifically throughout.  We believe that the Activate package provides students with an excellent foundation focusing on core scientific knowledge and key skills essential to unlocking the AQA  Science curriculum at KS4.

Year 7


B1.1 Cells


B1.2 Structure and function of body systems

B1.3 Reproduction


C1.1 Particles and their behaviour


C1.2 Elements, atoms and compounds

C1.3 Reactions

C1.4 Acids and alkalis


P1.1 Forces


P1.2 Sound

P1.3 Light


Year 8


B2.1 Health and lifestyle


B2.2 Ecosystem processes

B2.3 Adaptation and inheritance


C2.1 The Periodic Table


C2.2 Separation techniques

C2.3 Metals and acids

C2.3 The Earth


P2.1 Electricity and magnetism


P2.2 Energy

P2.3 Motion and pressure

Resources to support the Activate scheme of work include captivating and easily accessible textbooks as well as assessments, at both foundation and higher levels, to track progress at the end of each chapter.

Support for parents 

Doddle: online learning support 

As a department, we have invested in Doddle for the students to use as a resource for home learning and revision. 

This is a fun, interactive website, which each student has an individual log in for. 

Students can use Doddle to access work that has been set for them and as a visual resource to test their knowledge; help revise for their end of chapter assessments; and importantly use as a tool to consolidate the learning in advance of end of year examinations.

Find out more