Data Protection
Oasis Academy Brightstowe is part of the Oasis Community Learning, a multi academy trust.
Oasis Community Learning sets out how it collects, uses and stores personal data in a full and detailed privacy notice which applies to the data processed by the academy and can be found on the academy website by following the 'privacy policy' link at the bottom of the homepage, or can be obtained from the academy office. It can also be obtained by visiting
Our privacy policy sets out some specific supplementary information that only applies to Oasis Academy Brightstowe and should be read in conjunction with the full Privacy Notice described above.
Oasis Community Learning including Oasis Academy Brightstowe is committed to protecting the privacy of the individuals whose data we process and to undertaking all data processing in a lawful, open and transparent way.
Supplementary privacy notice
Click the below link to read our supplementary privacy notice.